What is Escape HTML and tool to conver HTML to Escape HTML?

HTML Entities:

HTML entities are special codes that represent characters in HTML. They start with an ampersand (`&`) and end with a semicolon (`;`). The most common HTML entities for escaping special characters are:

– `&lt;` represents `<` (less than)

– `&gt;` represents `>` (greater than)

– `&amp;` represents `&` (ampersand)

– `&quot;` represents `”` (double quote)

– `&apos;` represents `’` (apostrophe/single quote)

Purpose of Escaping HTML:

The primary purpose of escaping HTML is to prevent the browser from interpreting certain characters as HTML markup or code. When a user inputs text into a web form or a dynamic content area, the input should be treated as plain text, not as executable code. Without proper escaping, user input that includes HTML or JavaScript code could be executed, leading to security vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.


Let’s consider an example where a user submits a comment through a form, and this comment is displayed on a webpage. Without proper HTML escaping, a user could input a comment like this:

<script>alert(‘This is a malicious script!’);</script>

If this input is not properly escaped, the script within the `<script>` tags will be executed when the comment is displayed on the webpage. To prevent this, you should escape the HTML entities, turning the input into:

&lt;script&gt;alert(‘This is a malicious script!’);&lt;/script&gt;

Now, when displayed on the webpage, it will be treated as plain text and won’t execute as a script.

If you want to write your code in HTML and you want show the format in HTML like below image you can use some I will provide and Escape HTML tool:

<!–[ Code Box 1 ]–>
  <div class=”K2_CBox”>
    <div class=”CB_Heading”>
      <button class=”C_box_main” id=”copy1″ onclick=”copyC(‘copy1′,’code1’)”>
        <i class=”CBox_icn”></i>

    <!–Add Your Parse HTML code Here–>
    <div id=”code1″>
      <pre>&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
&lt;title&gt;Page Title&lt;/title&gt;

&lt;h1&gt;This is a Heading&lt;/h1&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This is a paragraph.&lt;/p&gt;


Replace Your Parse/Escape html code in the red code highlighted

Implementation in HTML:

In HTML, you can manually replace special characters with their corresponding HTML entities, as shown in the previous example. Alternatively, many programming languages and web frameworks provide functions or methods for automatic HTML escaping. For instance, in JavaScript, you might use `innerText` or `textContent` instead of `innerHTML` to ensure that content is treated as text, not HTML.

// Using innerText or textContent to avoid HTML interpretation

element.innerText = ‘<script>alert(“Hello!”);</script>’;

Always be cautious with user input, validate and sanitize it, and use appropriate escaping mechanisms to enhance the security of your web applications.

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